Tournament Rules

Tournament Rules

Revised 07-Oct-2022

FIFA Rules Will Apply to with the following exceptions:

Law I – The Field of Play

(Measurements vary from field to field to accommodate as many fields as possible in a given area)

  • Grade 1/2 / U8 (7v7) – Measurements are approximately 30 yards by 50 yards. Each field will be marked with a midfield, line and penalty areas demarcated by the line approximately 10 yards from each goal line. Goal size will be 6 feet high by 12 feet wide.
  • Grade 3/4 / U10 (7V7) – Measurements are approximately 30 yards by 50 yards. Each field will be marked with a midfield, line and penalty areas demarcated by the line approximately 10 yards from each goal line. Goal size will be 6 feet high by 12 feet wide.
  • Grade 5/6 / U12 (9V9) – Measurements are approximately 45 yards by 60 yards. Each field will be marked with a midfield line and penalty areas demarcated by a line approximately 10 yards from each goal line. Goal size will be 7 feet high by 18 feet wide.
  • Grade 7/8 / U14 (6V6) – Measurements are approximately 30 yards by 50 yards. Each field will be marked with a midfield, line and penalty areas demarcated by the line approximately 10 yards from each goal line. Goal size will be 7 feet high by 18 feet wide.

Law II – Number of Players

All field players must have a similar colored jersey. Goalies must have a distinctively different colored jersey (pinnies are acceptable) from their own team and the opposing team.

  • For Grade 7/8, maximum of 6 and a minimum of 4 players on the field and one player must be a dedicated goal keeper.
  • For Grade 5/6, maximum of 9 and a minimum of 7 players on the field and one player must be a dedicated goal keeper.
  • For Grade 1/2 and Grade 3/4 7v7, maximum of 7 and a minimum of 5 players on the field and one player must be a dedicated goal keeper.

Law III – Players Equipment

  • A player must not use equipment or wear anything which is dangerous to him/herself or another player (including any kind of jewelry).
  • No Jewelry or casts of any type will be allowed on the field of play.
  • Teams listed first (home team) will wear pinnies in the event of opposing teams with similar colored jerseys.

Law IV – Duration of Game

Grade 1/2 and Grade 3/4:

  • All games will consist of two 20-minute halves.
  • Each game will be running time with no stopping at half but instead players on field will immediately switch ends and begin the second half as the clock will not be stopped.

Grade 5/6:

  • All games will consist of two 25-minute halves.
  • Each game will be running time with no stopping at half but instead players on field will immediately switch ends and begin the second half as the clock will not be stopped.
  • Qualifying games may end in a tie.
  • All quarterfinals, semifinals and finals/consolation games must end with a winner.
    • To resolve a tie, the games will immediately be followed by a 10-minute sudden death overtime played in two 5-minute periods.
    • If game is still tied, this will be followed by kicks from the mark. FIFA rules apply except that the first team to get an advantage after 3 kickers wins. NOTE: Players must be selected from those who were on the field playing at the conclusion of the overtime period.

Grade 7/8:

  • All games will run for 35 minutes.
  • Each game will be running time with no stopping at half but instead players on field will immediately switch ends and begin the second half as the clock will not be stopped.
  • Qualifying games may end in a tie.
  • All quarterfinals, semifinals and finals/consolation games must end with a winner.
    • To resolve a tie, the games will immediately be followed by a 10-minute sudden death overtime played in two 5-minute periods.
    • If game is still tied, this will be followed by kicks from the mark. FIFA rules apply except that the first team to get an advantage after 3 kickers wins. NOTE: Players must be selected from those who were on the field playing at the conclusion of the overtime period.

Law V – Offside

For Grade 1/2, Grade 3/4, and Grade 7/8 there is no off-sides. For Grade 5/6, FIFA laws of the game apply.

Law VI – Fouls and Misconducts:

  • A Red Card will result in automatic rejection from the game, the team will finish the game with one less player on the field, and the player will be suspension from the next game.
  • If a player receives Two cautions (Yellow Cards) in one game will equal one Red Card and will result in automatic ejection from the game, the team will finish the game with one less player on the field, and the player will be suspension from the next game.
  • If a player receives Two Cautions (Yellow Cards) in the Tournament the player will be automatic suspension from the next game regardless of whether or not the two cautions were received in the same game.

Law VII – Penalty Kicks

  • 7v7 Penalty Kicks will be taken from the center of the penalty line. All players, besides the kicker and goalie, must be on the other side of the field.
  • 6v6 Penalty kicks will be taken from the 12 yards from the goal line. All players, besides the kicker and goalie, must be on the other side of the field.
  • FIFA rules apply for 9v9.

Law VIII – Goal Kicks and Goalie Distribution

For 7v7 play:

  • Goal kicks may be taken from anywhere inside the Penalty Area.
  • Attacking players must retreat to the Half Line before the Goal Kick and are permitted to attack once the ball is in play.

For 9v9 play:

  • The goal kick is taken from anywhere within the 6-yard box.
  • Opposing players are required to be outside the penalty area.

For 6v6 Play:

  • The goal kick is taken from anywhere within the 6-yards from the end line.
  • The ball must hit the ground or another player before crossing half field.
  • After a goalie possesses the ball with their hands, ANY distribution of the ball from within the penalty area must hit the ground or another player before crossing half field.

Law IX: Game Scoring

Scoring for Competitive Groups Only:

  • 3 Points for each win
  • 1 point for each tie


Tie Breaker Sequence:

  • Groups ending with a tie for places will be decided by the following:
    1. ***Head to head competition (if two only teams are tied)
    2. Least goals allowed
    3. Goal differential (up to max variance of 4 goals per game)
    4. Coin Toss or as determined by Tournament Directors

    ***In the event of a 3-way tie-breaker, ignore tie-breaker step 1 (head to head) and start with tie-breaker step 2 and continue through the tie-breaker sequence until 2 teams have an advantage. After a 3-way tie is resolved to just two remaining teams, go back to step 1 of the tie-breaker sequence for the two remaining teams.

Law X: Heading:

For Players Grade 5/6 and under: No Intentional Heading Permitted

  • Deliberately heading results in an indirect free kick (IFK) for the opposing team from the spot of the offense.
  • If deliberate heading occurs within the defensive goal area, the indirect free kick should be taken on the goal area line, parallel to the goal line, at the point nearest to where the infringement occurred.
  • If there is inadvertent (non-deliberate) heading of the ball play, will continue with no free kick awarded.

Law XI: Substitutions:

A substitution may take place at any stoppage of play with permission from the referee.